The Root And The Branches

Saturday, May 22, 2010

In this video, Perry Stone has a guest. Rabbi Curt Landry gives a Jewish perspective on Romans 11, where it talks about Gentiles being grafted into the family of God. As you consider the culture it's written for, Paul's passage gains a much deeper and understandable message.

This video was removed from youtube, so you'll have to surf a little bit to find it. It's definitely worth it.

Click here to go to Perry Stone's site. Once there, look for a list of options to the left where it says "Watch Previous Episodes" and find #497 entitled "A Rabbinical Look At Romans 11". You can either watch it right on the site, or download it. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

If you rather skip the middleman and download the episode, choose one of the following links:
Windows Media