Chuck Missler "Red Sky" Magog Invasion

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Chuck Missler is a Bible expert and a thirty year veteran of the US intelligence community. This post is about his study of the endtimes, specifically disturbing passages from Ezekial 38 and 39, where nuclear war, among other things, is prophesied. This video seminar will walk you through this study.

If you'd like to simply watch them all straight through, please click on the following.

If you rather watch them, individually throughout this post, simply scroll down to the following.

Here's the first two videos in the series, where Chuck Missler is introduced and then begins the seminar:

At this point it seems extremely necessary to familiarize yourself with Ezekial 38 and 39. If you're as lazy I was, you could click below and listen to them read to you.
Ezekial 38 (View)(Click to listen)
Ezekial 39 (View)(Click to listen)

Here is the third video in the series:

At this point, you may be inclined to research a little bit about Russian history, as far as the orgin of its people. Follow the link to find it on Wikipedia.

Here's the rest of the video series, four through nine. The fifth video is only 11 seconds long, so don't be surprises. As the videos progress, I encourage you to hang in there, as the discussion will get a little scary.

I Told you it was scary! But there's a solution. And that is salvation through Jesus Christ. It's free, but it wasn't cheap, bought with the blood of Jesus!